
objects must gather


a.       a small boy vies for his father’s attention – a two-dimensional plane is introduced, akin to a picnic blanket or small rugb.       it is easily incorporated into the current mode of occupation, and thus goes unnoticed

a.       a small boy vies for his father’s attention – a two-dimensional plane is introduced, akin to a picnic blanket or small rug

b.       it is easily incorporated into the current mode of occupation, and thus goes unnoticed

a.       the two-dimensional plane is given thickness – shadows generated by the objects sharp edges emerge, catching the young chimney sweeps attention

a.       the two-dimensional plane is given thickness – shadows generated by the objects sharp edges emerge, catching the young chimney sweeps attention

a.       the moment of truth – the boy interprets the object as a stage, furthering his agenda to at long last hear his father tell him how proud he is of his son

a.       the moment of truth – the boy interprets the object as a stage, furthering his agenda to at long last hear his father tell him how proud he is of his son

a.       eureka! the boy has his father’s attention – without being told what the purpose or function of the object was, the boy has generated a desirable response

a.       eureka! the boy has his father’s attention – without being told what the purpose or function of the object was, the boy has generated a desirable response

a.       but what if there were two objects?

a.       but what if there were two objects?

a.       madness

a.       madness

a.       x5, x20, x30, absentb.       the implication for a multitude of functionally ambiguous objects within the field create an infinite set of possible interactions between occupants em…

a.       x5, x20, x30, absent

b.       the implication for a multitude of functionally ambiguous objects within the field create an infinite set of possible interactions between occupants emphasized by their relative adjacencies

c.       when the objects are removed, the absence of logic in character location creates a dissonance between the field and occupant


mt bldngs


wtr : 2002